I was looking everywhere for this user manual online and it seems no one has it, so here is a link to my hosting of it.
Click to access MJ-6709B_BluetoothBarcodeScanner_UserManual.pdf
Click to access MJ-6709B_BluetoothBarcodeScanner_UserManual_1200Horz.pdf
Click to access MJ-6709B_BluetoothBarcodeScanner_UserManual_1200Vert.pdf
Links edited with HTTP/S connections now that Google Chrome doesn’t want to use FTP
Links edited with higher resolution versions after Alessandro comments below.
Links edited again due to someone externally sharing my links (300-400MB per day of downloads), please play fair or I’ll have to remove these files.
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Hi ! Many thaks to share this manual, it was many years i’m looking for this, but after download it unfortunately I try to scan the code with barcode reader, and due perhaps at a no good resolution, many are not readble. I would be many gratefull if you can rescan the manual at hight resolution.
Many Thanks
I think I did have the same problem, I guess I thought it was just me. The scanner at work is really average, so I’ll bring the manual home and scan it with my 1200dpi scanner. I’ll email you the link (and update this post) when it’s ready. Thanks for your comment before I had the same issue of being manualless.
Is the FTP server down? Is there any way you can provide a dropbox link?
Sorry for the ridiculous delay. I’ve found Chrome isn’t supporting FTP transfers anymore, so these links need to be used on File Explore or Filezilla instead. I’ve updated the post to implement HTTPS links now.
Thanks heaps for this! 🙂
I like this post, enjoyed this one thankyou for posting .
Thanks for the manual, been looking for this for quite some time.