UPDATE: Making a gold card is now not required to root/update your HTC Desire please see this post I’ve resently been given a program that creates the gold card in the most easiest way that I’ve seen. It was a process of HexEditing the card itself, but this program does it all for you. You …
Category: Hardware
Sep 09
My Wifes iPhone Has Been Stolen
She went to Coles on Tuesday and must have left it on the counter at the service desk for 5 minutes, and then it was gone. She contracted to Tesltra in December so she’s still got 15 months to go. Not good. So the Nokia E71 isn’t going to cut her needs I don’t think, …
Sep 01
Awesome MythTV Frontend, Acer Revo R3610
The best hardware for a mythtv frontend by far. It runs is NVIDIA ion chipset, so its Linux compatible almost straight out of the box. I managed to purchase Linux versions so I didn’t need to pay for Windows. I wouldn’t doubt them to be awesome backends as well, as they have 6 usb’s and …
Aug 31
USB to fan cable
Here is a awesome little cable I’ve made. I changed computers as I was having troubles with the old one. When I was browsing for what I wanted the last thing I thought about was a fan jumper to plug my cupboard mounted 12 volt fan into. But fortunately I’ve been lucky my fan will …