Category: Technical

USB to fan cable

Here is a awesome little cable I’ve made. I changed computers as I was having troubles with the old one. When I was browsing for what I wanted the last thing I thought about was a fan jumper to plug my cupboard mounted 12 volt fan into. But fortunately I’ve been lucky my fan will …

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RAID metadata on HDD

During a reformat of my server I found that two of my hard drives had metadata on them. This data made the new operating system (Fedora 12) think that they were in a raid preventing them from being loaded as they were missing thier .ddf1_disks information file being that they weren’t in a raid. On …

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Difference between Vbox & VMWare

Well I’ve been running Virtual Box for a month now, and being that I’ve used VMWare for 3 years prior.  I feel I’ve experience both well enough to give a over view of both.  I have used them in both windows and linux (Fedora) host environments so I’m planning on giving pro’s and con’s in …

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Adding a HDD to linux

Well every time I add a hard drive to my server. It’s always such a long time between that I forget how to do it. Lucky I’ve bookmarked a few sites on how to do it. But that’s just it a few sites, not one that explains the whole process. Well there most likely is …

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